Before I filmed the final shot sequence of my film opening, I wanted to fully develop my sequence . This blog post will be more for me than anything, as I want to get prepared before I go out and film the last part of our project.

These are our final, reworked shot lists for the last sequence of the film opening. I also matched up the dialogue with the certain shots so I wouldn't have to figure it out when filming, which is how it's usually done. I did have to change around some things, which is why they're not the neatest shot lists in the world, but they include a lot of information, even the specific depth of field that's needed in the shot. I start off with the close-up of the waves, and then the pan and tilt as Dallin runs through the waves, acting as a sort of transition from the introductory shots that show off the setting to the actual story with my main characters. The very next shot is going to be a low angle with the depth of field shallow until Dallin comes running into frame. Will be a focus on Maya as she comes running into frame. From there it will switch to a two-shot. There will be some shot/reverse shots as Dallin and Maya are talking. I've added some inserts, especially when there are pauses in the dialogue. I also have some close-ups of Maya's face to show her reactions to what Dallin says (sly comedy, I know). I will also add an eye-line match to show Maya's POV of her setting (the saturated colors another sign that this is from her POV, and shows how she sees this particular beach).